
We offer different standard programs and (possible) necessary adaptations for surveys and evaluations. We work with these programs ourselves every day and can therefore always provide you with comprehensive advice and valuable tips. Numerous customers know this not only in Germany, but worldwide.  

IBM SPSS Statistics

The classic among statistics programs. The first version of SPSS was released in 1968. People have been working with SPSS Statistics for more than 50 years. Whether clinical research, customer analysis or market research, SPSS lets you explore your data with just a few mouse clicks or the built-in syntax.

Predictive Solutions

Because good things can always get better,  PS Imago Pro is an excellent analysis suite that it based on IBM SPSS Statistics and offers the user even more possibilities. Despite the very low cost, IBM SPSS Statistics is already included in the Predictive Solutions product.

Unicom Data collection

The survey system was developed by SPSS as early as 1999 under the code name "Vision 2000" and has since established itself as SPSS Dimensions. As one of the few survey systems, Unicom Data Collection can be purchased as a license and operated on its own servers. This is an invaluable advantage today in connection with the DSGVO. In addition to the modules for CATI, CAPI, Web, Paper/Scan, reporting and automation products are also available. 


Surveys with several languages always involve an immense effort for the coordination and maintenance of the translations. While a survey is being translated, changes and corrections are usually made. We have developed SmartTranslate to turn this chaos into a perfectly implemented survey in many languages.


Due to ever-increasing time pressure budget cuts, the testing of surveys unfortunately all too often does not succeed to the necessary extent. Studies show that panel participants tend to not participate in poorly conducted surveys or leave the panel early. SurveyTester facilitates the testing of surveys by using fully automated tests, optimized collaboration between tester and survey creator, automatically generated screenshots with different devices (e.g. iPhones) and more.

Dimensions Add-Ons

Unicom Data Collection (Dimensions) is one of the best survey systems on the market. The system is very complex in parts and this is where our proprietary Dimensions Add-Ons come into play. This allows you to make the most of Dimensions and design your surveys according to the motto "nothing is impossible".

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We have often found suitable solutions for our customers or created new products ourselves, which have solved specific problems exactly.

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