predictive solutions

Analytical software for professionals

PS CLEMENTINE PRO - based on IBM SPSS Modeler, a world-renowned data mining and big data analysis environment. The solution architecture enables flexible adaptation to organizational requirements and the integration of predictive analyses with business processes and systems.

PS CLEMENTINE PRO consists of:

  • PS Desktop: a solution management application that supports organisation of the analysis process. It is dedicated both to analysts who prepare analyses and construct analytical processes and business users who run analytical processes on computers without any analytical engine
  • IBM SPSS Modeler: a predictive analysis interface and engine used for data mining and big data. It ensures integration with databases and provides a wide set of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and statistical techniques with numerous forms of result visualisation and reporting
  • PS CLEMENTINE Database: a repository for managing analytical resources, including storage in a definable structure, publishing, group work, versioning, extended descriptions with text notes and key words, and advanced search.
  • PS CLEMENTINE Scheduler: a component to automatise and schedule analytical processes stored in the PS CLEMENTINE Database.



The IBM SPSS Modeler is a powerful analytical engine with a large range of algorithms offered. It allows to upload data from different sources. It allows to modify data, manage their quality, and treat gaps and deficiencies in the data. The PS CLEMENTINE Pack is a set of new, original procedures that significantly facilitate your work with the data. Moreover, it offers integration of the program with the repository.

ibm spss modeler

The IBM SPSS Modeler is a system focusing a proven methodology of data mining project management (CRISP-DM) and advanced modeling techniques based on statistical procedures and artificial intelligence in one environment. The IBM SPSS Modeler is a system recognized all over the world by professionals specializing in data mining.

ps clementine database + ps clementine data manager

Storing and sharing results of your work with others may now be carried out in one place, thanks to the PS CLEMENTINE Database and the PS CLEMENTINE Manager managing application. Using access right assignment and object editing, you can limit or expand the group of people authorized to view and edit specific resources.


The PS CLEMENTINE Dispatcher allows for an automation of analytical processes that may be executed in the background mode and triggered as a result of a specific action. It is possible to launch the process automatically, at a pre-defined time, on a pre-defined day, and to define recurrent triggering. Furthermore, the process may be launched when a file appears in a specific directory, or using Web Service at the request of the user whose computer is not equipped with an analytical engine or with the PS CLEMENTINE PRO solution.

These are the facts!


IBM SPSS Modeler analytical engine offers an array of advanced modeling techniques based on statistical procedures and artificial intelligence. It offers graphic visualization of results and integration with other analytical environments and databases. 


This solution facilitates cooperation between users and safe storage of procedures and analytical resources. Scoring and other analytical processes can be launched by business users independently of IBM SPSS Modeler.


Integrated functionalities allow for the comprehensive management of analytical processes – from structure creation, to assigning access rights, teamwork and process control. 


Possibilities of process automation include not only training of predictive models, but also enhanced types of automatic triggering, email notification concerning execution status, and archiving of job execution.


The architecture allows for the flexible adjustment to your organization’s needs and for the integration of predictive analyses within business processes and internal systems.


Distribution and implementation of results, assessments or recommendations saved in databases may be executed in real time through operating systems.

Use proven data mining methodology

CRISP-DM (Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining) is a project implementation methodology and data mining process model that provides a complete and universal map for projects aimed to create business solutions using data mining techniques. PS CLEMENTINE PRO provides full support of this model and organises work. 

  • Understanding business - tasks in this step involve understanding business conditions, mapping business goals onto analytical targets, and preparing a project plan.
  • Understanding data - the aim of this step is to identify data sources, get familiar with them, and understand their meaning for the business.
  • Preparing data - tasks in this step lead to creation of final datasets that conform to format requirements, measurement scale, or cleanliness for modelling, and their description for clear interpretation of models. 
  • Evaluation - the aim of this step is to verify models in light of business criteria; select the best models for distribution; and make decisions about the next steps and changes in future iterations of the process.
  • Distribution of results - This key stage is to provide recipients with results, which could simply mean the delivery of a report. In data mining projects, however, it more often involves additional information being written in databases or use of models to provide recipients with e.g. on-line business recommendations.

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