We are still here for you!
Dear customers, business partners and interested parties,
Our employees in the home office are still available for you by telephone and e-mail during the usual business hours. If you do not have the contact information of a person you need to reach, please contact us using the contact form on our website.
Start your journey with the use of professional software for your predictive analytics projects.
With 2x4 SurveyTester you can ensure the optimal quality of your surveys with minimal personnel effort.
Our team will support you in meeting your challenges. We rely on standard software, our own developments and specially adapted solutions.
IBM SPSS Statistics is a statistical analysis software that offers a rich set of capabilities for every stage of the analytical process.
Predictive Solutions - software that is based on IBM SPSS Statistics, Modeler or Data Collection and includes additional analysis and reporting methods - offers even more.
Also known as IBM SPSS Data Collection, enables all aspects of the creation, collection and reporting of survey projects.
A web-based application that optimally supports the entire translation process of surveys and also optimizes the workflow.
A tool for systematically testing surveys and evaluating the test results accordingly.
We have created add-ons for Unicom Data Collection / IBM SPSS Dimensions that will help you get the most out of your system.
For software from SPSS and UNICOM you will find an extensive range of training courses at 2x4. Via webtraining or directly at your site.
You lack the time or the know-how to realize projects yourself? Then we should talk to each other. Just give us a call or send us an email.
Do you have questions, challenges or even problems when using SPSS or UNICOM software? We are there to help you.
Announcing PS CLEMENTINE PRO 2.1
Find out more about the release of the new PS CLEMENTINE Pro
2x4 Solutions GmbH
Eichenring 23a 84562 Mettenheim Deutschland
Telefon: +49 8631 3516525 Email: info@2x4.de
2x4 Solutions GmbH Eichenring 23a 84562 Mettenheim Germany
Phone: +49 8631 3516525 Email: info@2x4.de
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