PS IMAGO PRO is an analytical engine based on IBM SPSS Statistics that provides data access and a wide array of analytical techniques with an additional set (PS IMAGO Pack) of procedures used to prepare and analyse data and visualise results.
PS IMAGO PRO also supports users in the preparation and management of automation jobs. PS IMAGO PRO allows you to prepare attractive-looking, professional analytics reports and charts, beyond what’s possible with standard SPSS functionality, and easily share them with business users, quickly and with minimal effort.
To find out more about PS IMAGO PRO:
A comprehensive environment that can be fully integrated into your IT infrastructure It uses IBM SPSS technologies to conduct survey research The system provides support at all stages of the survey: from questionnaire design, CAWI, MOBI, CATI and CAPI data collection, basic and advanced data analysis, to the creation of an analytical report in the form of a dashboard or printout.
PS CLEMENTINE PRO is a comprehensive solution for performing predictive analysis and delivering results within your company's business processes. It offers a variety of analysis algorithms provided by the world-renowned IBM SPSS Modeler analysis engine.
It provides centralised management of analytical processes thanks to a built-in analytical repository. This streamlines the organisation, storage and retrieval of analytical content such as: task
models, procedures, data and results. Automation functionality enables stable and trouble-free implementation of individual tasks and groups of tasks as defined by individual users.
To find out more about PS CLEMENTINE PRO:
2x4 Solutions GmbH
Eichenring 23a 84562 Mettenheim Deutschland
Telefon: +49 8631 3516525 Email:
2x4 Solutions GmbH Eichenring 23a 84562 Mettenheim Germany
Phone: +49 8631 3516525 Email:
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